Dec 19, 2020
A beach accident left talented singer Tim McCallum in a wheelchair for life. But if the day he became a quadriplegic was supposed to define his future someone forgot to tell Tim. The AFL tragic proved people power is alive and strong when thousands of Aussies got behind him in his quest to sing the national anthem...
May 6, 2020
Deb Roach was born without one of her arms. Growing up she was bullied and tormented every day. Thanks to a lot of yoga and therapy, she realised the world isn't actually out to get her. After witnessing a pole dancing routine at a nightclub, Deb was hooked. But with her arm, she didn't think it was something she would...
Jan 27, 2019
No matter who you are, we all face various challenges in life. The secret is to squeeze the most out of your days regardless of what is against you. One person who knows how to do this better than most is Ben Hawkins. Ben was diagnosed with Autism when he was only two. This disorder affects the way Ben communicates...
Dec 19, 2018
[WARNING: This conversation contains language that may offend] Bianca Saez was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome as a young girl and she courageously lives with her severe condition every single day. Bianca's tics and colourful language are a part of nearly every sentence. In their chat, Bianca shares with Matt how...
Sep 19, 2018
After losing his arm in a farming accident at eight years old, Nick Fredricksen didn't even want his family to look at him.
But as Nick grew he realised nothing would stop him following his passion for woodchopping and nowadays Nick wows crowds around the world with his one-armed woodchopping expertise.
In his Coffee...